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About the enterprise


A task of strategic importance has been solved presently at JSC “Uralredmet” - a highly efficient industrial production of master alloys based on rare refractory metals – V, Mo, Nb has been created and mastered. Its capacity is 3,600 metric tons of master alloys per year.

The product range includes more than 35 grades:

- double - (V,Nb,Cr,Mo)-Al; Fe-(V,Mo,Nb,Ti); Ni-(B,Y,Ce); Mg-(Y,Nd); Al-Y;

- triple - V-Al-(N,Fe); Mo-Al-(Ti,Zr); Nb-Al-(Si,Ta); Fe-B-Cr; Al-Ti-B;

- quadruple - V-Al-(Ti,N,Fe)-(C,Sn); Mo-Al-(V,Si,W)-(Ti,Cr,Zr);

- five - component - Mo-Al-(V,Nb)-(Cr,C)-(Ti,Fe);

- other compositions at the request of consumers.

All master alloys can be produced in crushed form.


Vanadium metal with the purity 99,5-99,9 % is also one of the main types of our products. The production volume is 40 metric tons per year.


We use the following technologies:

- one-step process - out-of-furnace metallothermy (for master alloys);

- duplex process - out-of-furnace metallothermy + vacuum induction remelting (for master alloys) and out-of-furnace metallothermy + vacuum electron-beam remelting (for vanadium metal).


The products manufactured under the “Uralredmet” brand are well known to consumers for their high quality not only in Russia, but also abroad. The quality management system that meets the requirements of ISO9001 has been developed and operates at JSC “Uralredmet” since 2000. In 2022 the enterprise successfully passed the certification audit of the current quality management system for compliance with the requirements of GOST R 58876.


A high quality of products is ensured not only by a high level of technology, but also by a 100% level of technical control of master alloys:

- visual inspection;

- fluorescent particle inspection for determining the content of particles of slag inclusions;

- X-ray inspection for detecting of high-density (more than 7.5 g/cm3) and refractory (melting point over 1600оC/2900оF) inclusions;

- chemical-analytical inspection – each ingot is analyzed for the chemical composition of the main and impurity components.


The metrological service of JSC “Uralredmet” is accredited by the Federal service for accreditation in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements for the right to certify measurement techniques (methods) and conduct metrological examination of documentation for the development and manufacture of standard samples of the enterprise. Certificate of accreditation No. RA.RU312399.


The testing central factory laboratory is accredited by the laboratory accreditation body “Association of analytical centers "Analytica". Certificate of accreditation No. AAS.A.00026.


The quality system of JSC “Uralredmet” provides for the mandatory use of alternative methods of analysis to confirm the reliability of the test results. The central factory laboratory uses the following methods for these purposes: inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (AES ICP); atomic emission spectroscopy (AES); atomic-absorption material analysis (ААА); flame photometry; X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRFA); the reduction melting method in the flow of inert gas carrier; the infrared absorptive method (based on the use of gas analyzers); the titration method (including the complex metrical method, the Kjeldahl method); the gravimetric method; the photometric method (including the extraction-photometric method); the phototurbidimetric method; sieve test; the electro-chemical method.